Privacy Policy


Last updated: 15 May 2018


Your Privacy


With Ice Creates Limited, you have greater control over your Personal Information. Anonymised or not, the Personal Information that we hold on your behalf cannot be seen or accessed by any individual, business or organisation unless you explicitly agree. And even when you do agree, we only make available the Personal Information you specifically consent to share.

Ice Creates Limited allows you to monitor the Personal Information you have shared with organisations. You can modify, extend, or end the sharing of your Personal Information at any time.

Although no one will see your Personal Information on Ice Creates Limited unless you consent to share it, there are certain limited situations in which we may share access to your Personal Information without your explicit consent. For example, if required by law, to protect the life of an individual, or to comply with any valid legal process, government request, rule or regulation.

The Personal Information you share with organisations is made available to them under Ice Creates Limited’s terms of service, which give you control of your Personal Information. Ice Creates Limited requires organisations to use the Personal Information you share with them only for the purposes stated in the relevant sharing agreement and they may only use your Personal Information if allowed to under this Privacy Policy.

Ice Creates Limited’s Terms of Service do not permit organisations to share or sell your Personal Information to anyone else unless they have specifically requested that, and you have consented for them to do so. If you believe an organisation is misusing your Personal Information, you can leave feedback, re-Ice Creates Limited abuse and remove the organisation’s access to your Personal Information. You may also use Ice Creates Limited to notify an organisation of your desire for them to delete your Personal Information in accordance with your ‘right to be forgotten’.

Ice Creates Limited is not responsible for the use or misuse of your Personal Information by other organisations.

Ice Creates Limited is a free service to individuals. You are free to amend or cancel your account on Ice Creates Limited at any time by going to your Ice Creates Limited settings page and deleting or ex-Gloucestershire NHS Health Communising your Personal Information. Deleting or transferring your Personal Information will cancel any active sharing agreements you have with organisations. Ice Creates Limited will not contact you again, but may retain the details of the account you had with Ice Creates Limited. When you cancel your account, you also have the ‘right to be forgotten’, unless required otherwise be law. You can choose to select this option in which case any Personal Information held in your Ice Creates Limited account will be deleted or anonymised in accordance with the prevailing regulations.


Information we collect


There are three ways we collect information:


1. Information you choose to give us.

2. Information we get when you use our services.

3. Information we receive from third parties on your behalf.


Here is some more detail on each:


Information you choose to give us


When you use our services, we collect the information you choose to share with us. This includes the details you provide when you create an account. Things like your name, a username, password, email address, mobile phone number and your date of birth. You may also want to add a profile picture.

When you contact Ice Creates Limited sup-Ice Creates Limited or communicate with us, we’ll also collect information from you to help us deal with your issue or answer your questions.


Information we obtain when you use our services or accessing this website


We also collect, but never share, information that may help us make our service more secure and our site and apps run more smoothly. This might include technical information. For example, your IP address, your login information, your browser type and version, the operating system and the time zone settings, and other information about your visit. This may include the URL clickstream history whilst in Ice Creates Limited, the length of visits to certain pages, how you interacted with the elements of each page and how you browsed away from the page and the means you use to contact us.

We use cookies to make your experience on Ice Creates Limited more efficient and relevant. You can read how these work here.


How Ice Creates Limited protects your Privacy


Ice Creates Limited uses advanced and robust hardware and software encryption along with optional two-factor authentication (2FA) to safeguard your information. These measures are similar to the security processes used by many banks.

The Personal Information we collect from you will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and in our Sharing Agreement we require that organisations abide by the same rules or notify you as part of the information sharing request if they cannot comply with that requirement.

In the unlikely event of a criminal breach of our security we will inform the relevant regulatory body within 24 hours and, if your Personal Information were involved in the breach, we would also inform you.

You can help to protect your privacy on Ice Creates Limited too. When you choose a password for your account, you are responsible for keeping that password confidential. We strongly recommend you chose a strong password and opt-in to the added security of two-factor authentication. Maintaining confidentiality means that you should limit access to your computer or device and always sign off after you have finished accessing your account. If you think someone has access to your password or unauthorised access to your account, please inform us immediately at –

Ice Creates Limited cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the above. 


How Ice Creates Limited uses your Personal Information


We use the Personal information you give to us to provide you with our service. For instance, we may use your information to:


  • Customise the service that you choose to receive from us
  • Manage your account and your queries
  • Improve our services
  • Contact you with im-Ice Creates Limited ant service announcements
  • Meet our legal and regulatory obligations and protect our legitimate interests
  • Carry out research and analysis, training and quality assurance




You may only use Ice Creates Limited if you are at least 16 years of age. If we discover that anyone using Ice Creates Limited is below the age of 16, we will delete the account and the Personal Information associated with it.


Changes to our privacy policy and control


We may change this privacy policy from time to time. But when we do, we’ll let you know one way or another. Sometimes, we’ll let you know by revising the date at the top of the privacy policy that’s available on our website and mobile application. Other times we may provide you with additional notice, such as adding a statement to our websites’ home pages or providing you with an in-app notification. By continuing to access or use Ice Creates Limited after those changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.


Our details


We are passionate about protecting your privacy and we welcome any questions and feedback you may have. Please use the contact details below to get in touch with us.

Ice Creates Limited


Address: Head Office, ICE, Clear View, 3 Abbots Quay, Monks Ferry, Wirral CH41 5LH

Thoughts or questions about this Privacy Policy? Please, let us know.